Saturday, December 24, 2005

It was the day before Christmas....

Owen along with Mommy & Daddy finally made it to Oregon. After long and trying day that started with us leaving for the airport at 6:30a EST and ended with us finally arriving in Eugene at 6:45p PST, our hero promptly fell asleep in the car. He was a great traveler though, helped mom and dad get through a long day, and I think we all managed to have some fun along the way. The Seattle airport (where we had a 6 hour layover including delays) was a highlight -- watching the planes take off, meeting Santa, observing RoRo the Clown, the 9 foot tall Orca stuffed animal (that got a goodbye hug), and the Flamingo statue that got a couple of friendly kisses.

The morning (Christmas Eve) was started with calls for Grandpa/Pops (who was still asleep at 6a), a quick breakfast of a fried egg sandwich with mommy, and some grocery shopping with daddy, grandpa and Auntie Leean.

The highlight of the afternoon was a walk (sprint) through the sand dunes with Grandpa, Buddy (the dog) Mommy & Daddy. The boy was racing up and down, climbing dunes, chasing Buddy, and generally showing his energizer bunny side. He was very pleased with the trip, and only was appeased when we promised to come back tomorrow.

The evening was capped by grandma reading "The night before Christmas," and questions about where Santa lives before he fell asleep with visions of chocolate cake in his head.


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