Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas in Oregon Re-Cap

Wow, there's a lot of ground to cover:

Christmas Morning...
It started Christmas morning with Owen running out in his train pajamas (thank you Auntie Annie) to the sight of the Christmas tree and presents underneath, around, spreading across the living room... you get the picture. The night before, as we talked to him about Santa Claus delivering presents, he seemed most concerned with "Where does Santa Claus live?"

The big present came from Pops & Grandma -- a shiny, new, yellow and blue bicycle that the boy took to immediately (more on that later). Owen spent about 20 minutes unwrapping the rest of his presents with great delight; he got everything from a new Nationals hat (thanks Mom!) to Plaza Sesemo DVDs, a set of animal puppets and a tiger shirt (thanks Auntie Leean!) to Curious George books, a dancing ipod robot (thanks to his cousins!) a train and an animal set. After about 20 minutes, with several presents left unopened, he wanted to do what he does best -- play.

The Bicycle
The big draw the rest of Christmas and the next day was the bicycle. Pops, Grandma, Auntie Leean, Mommy & Daddy took Owen out to the (always handy) nearby cul-de-sac to practice riding his bike. It is a two-wheeler with training wheels. At first, he was much better going down the slight incline than uphill (aren't we all?) Soon, he was feeling more comfortable even on the uphill! It was amazing watching the intense look of concentration and excitement on his face as he practiced coordinating steering and peddling at the same time. All of this while surrounded by grown-ups with their various cameras in hand. And of course, he had to wear his bike helmet because... SAFETY NEVER TAKES A HOLIDAY!

By that night, he was zipping in circles around the island in the kitchen, peddling and steering like a pro. By the next day, Owen was riding it like he was born to to do it. It was pretty amazing, and we all marvelled in his brilliance. (It's nice to be around like-minded folks).

Night Time is the Right Time....
Everyday with Owen brings a new development (or challange as the case may be).
Sleeping in our room in the pack 'n' play, we found a new one. Our discovery started out slowly -- objects (the changing table) appearing in the pack 'n' play that weren't there when we put Owen to bed. Did we leave it close to the pack and play where he could reach out and bring it in? How did it get there?

We had our answer by Tuesday night. A very sweet little boy was not going to sleep; we could hear a lot of singing (Jingle Bells maybe) coming from the room. Upon going in, we discovered the truth: Owen sitting in the middle of the fluffy, white comforter on our bed, reading his book. When he saw us watching, he made his way back into his pack 'n' play, a mischievous smile shining across his face.

The next night it was a strange sound that drew Mommy and Daddy's attention. Owen was opening the door to his room, peaking quick looks until he saw Daddy and slam! -- the door shut tight. A few minutes later, peaking in, there was our sweet pea sitting cross legged on the floor reading Curious George.

Pops, Grandma and Auntie Leean were all pretty nuts for our boy. He had no shortage of attention or admirers, who reveled in every cute expression or antic. We watched him work them over so that by the end of the trip, he was commanding everyone in the house except for the dog, Buddy. (He still can't figure out why Buddy wouldn't do whatever he asked him to -- everyone else did!)

Ah, our willful, savvy boy.


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